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Christianity Pages
Pastor John (John of AllFaith)"Contemplation is the highest expression of one's intellectual and spiritual life.
It is that life itself, fully awake, fully active, fully aware that it is alive.
It is spiritual wonder. It is spontaneous awe at the sacredness of life, of being."--Thomas Merton (1919-68) in Seeds of Contemplation
My Writings on Christianity
Go to: Should Christians be Vegetarians
What the Bible says about eating animals
Go to: Hell Fire and Damnation!
What the Bible says about Hell and the afterlife
Go to: Do We Need The Bible?
If so, which Version?
Go to: Jehovah's Christian Witnesses
Their history and a selection of their teachings
Go to: How To Trap God:
- The Prayer That Jesus Taught Us
Go to: Baptized by Water and by Fire
- Understanding the Baptism in the Spirit
Go to: Be Human First
- Spirituality requires us to stay "real"
Go to: The Absolute Otherness of Christ, Part one
Go to: The Absolute Truth of Christ, Part two
Go to: God's Plan for Restoration
Go to: "I have many things to tell you..."
- ... Can we bear then now?"
Go to: The Holy Trinity
Go to: Practical Christianity
- Applying the teachings of Jesus to daily life
Go to: Hate Crimes and Jesus
Go to: What I Learned From Star Wars Episode 1
- Star Wars, homelessness, hypocrisy and more!
Go to: The Apostle's Creed
- Ths is the essential Creed of the historic Christian Faith
Go to: The Chosen People of HaShem
- Christianity's relationship with the Holy Land and the Jews
Inclusive Christianity Go to: Grace Inclusive
Here the topic of homosexuality and the Bible is discussed in detail. Does the Bible really condemn committed, monagamous same gender marraiges? You may be surprised!
Go to: The Official domain of Marsha Stevens and BALM Ministries:
- Marsha is an incredibly gifted Christian song writer, performer, minister and friend. She has been called "the Mother of Contemporary Christian Music, having written the first contemporary Christian song, For Those Tears I Died" aka "Come To The Water." She is also an openly lesbian Christian.
- I am honored to be her friend!
PFLAG: Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Help with the issues raised by homosexuality and acceptance.
UFMCC: The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches.
- The world's largest GLBT organization and a Christian denomination!
- a network of Bible believing churches, ministries, Christian workers and individuals bound together by a common shared faith, united in purpose and witness and established as a positive resource and support for Christian gays and lesbians
- For thirty-five years, The Rev. Dr. Mel White struggled to "overcome" his homosexual orientation through prayer, fasting, various aversive therapies, exorcism, and even electric shock. A victim of misinformation and biblical misuse, Mel thought his same-sex orientation was a sickness and a sin. During those "closet years" Mel served the Christian church as a prize-winning television producer and filmmaker, a best-selling author, a pastor, seminary professor, and ghost writer to religious leaders including Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell.
Other Christian Resources
Byzantine Catholicism
: Byzantine Catholic Metropolia of Pittsburgh Bishops and Eparchies
Branch Davidian Christianity
I am not now, nor was I ever a follower of David Koresh. This section is included here for two basic reasons:
In 1993:
1. The Branch Davidians paid for their faith in God with their lives and I honor that;
2. The US government's unjustifiable assault on and mass massacre of this religious community was an attack on the First Amendment rights of all Americans. Despite this, Janet the Butcher Reno and the others responsible for this shameless premeditated murder went free. We should remember this atrosity.May we never forget Waco!
May we never forget Ruby Ridge!
May we never surrender our precious freedoms!
(Its almost, but not quite, too late now!)
Frontline: Waco - The Inside Story
- The Inside Story, provides the most evenhanded, comprehensive site. It includes a Who's Who and chronology of the standoff.
The goal of this web page is to allow you to have access to the most comprehensive list of original source material available on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. The resources found here are from my personal archives compiled from over eight years of research. In addition to the original source material you will also find links to some of the most informative Waco Web Sites on the Internet.
Introduction to the Branch Davidians
A good place for source material on the teachings of this Adventist group.
Fundamentalist Christianity
The King James Only Debate
Sojourners Of The Lord:
Which is the best (or even the "real") translation of the Bible? A translation is still only a translation. Unfortunately, even those who read Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic do not have the ability to read the Bible as it was originally written because there are NO ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS.
Does this matter? There are those who believe and teach that in a very special way God has preserved the WORD in the King James (or Authorized) Version as no where else. Much of Fundamentalist Christianity accepts this doctrine (not all). Here's a site which intelligently argues in favor of the King James Only Position. They offer a fair amount of evidence to support their position. There are also several links provided for more study.
Personally, I love the KJV. Its my version of choice without question. It is not however, in my understanding, a flawlessly accurate nor perfectly preserved version of the first century texts (nor of their predecessors). Also, the KJV which 99.9% of its adherents use today (including myself) IS NOT the 1611 KJV. Even those in the King James Only Camp are using later versions for the most part.
Jehovah's Witnesses : This is the Official Web site of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Orthodox Christianity Inspired Orthodox Christian Icons.
Roman Catholic Christianity
The Official Home Page of the Vatican.
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