Please consider the following:
He Speaks:
He clearly communicates with Believers. If there is communication, then many other things are indicated: will, ability, intelligence, etc.
2 Samuel 23:2: ...The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me....
Acts 8:29: ...Then the Spirit said....
Revelation 2:7: ...the Spirit says....
He Prays:
Paul tells us that when we don't know how to pray that the Spirit Himself makes intercession on our behalf (Romans 8:26). This indicates that Ruach haKodesh knows our minds, and has the ability to communicate with YHVH for us. Neither of these are abilities a power or force might have.
He Guides:
One of the ministries that He has with the Christian is guidance, be it guidance in our study of the Word, or guidance in finding Elohim's will.
Romans 8:14: ...For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
He calls and commissions:
This requires many of the attributes which we have already discussed. Only a being with personality can accomplish these things in another being's life. Ruach haKodesh calls and commissions people to diverse ministries around the world. Acts 13:2, Acts 20:28.
He Commands:
He commanded Phillip to go to the Eunuch at Acts 8:29. This requires planning and authority. Phillip was submitting to the plan of the Spirit for his life.
He Dwells In Believers:
Only a being with personality can dwell with another being. John 14:17 mentions, in relationship to the Spirit, ...and shall be in you.
He Teaches:
A teacher devoid of personality is not teacher; personality is required of any teacher. Ruach haKodesh has the ability to teach which indicates many of the things that we have mentioned. Will, intelligence and the ability to communicate are all qualities of personality. John 14:26
He Reproves: John 16:8
He Sends: Acts 13:4
He Forbids Some Actions: Acts 16:6,7
He Empowers: Acts 1:8, 2 Peter 1:21
He Testifies: John 15:26,27
Ruach haKodesh can be vexed:
Isaiah 63:10: "But they rebelled, and vexed his Holy Spirit therefore he was
turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them." Vexed means to annoy or disturb. In relation to this, we need to understand that we have a responsibility to Ruach haKodesh to treat Him as a person. How it must vex Him when His people deny his intelligence, His wisdom, His concerns for us etc.
He can be grieved:
You cannot grieve a force or power, but it is possible to grieve a person. Grieving the Spirit should be the last thing that we Believers would want to do, yet we do so often.
Ephesians 4:30 warns that Ruach haKodesh can be lied to: Ananias and Sapphira lied to Him with dire results. To know and punish a liar requires intelligence and a sense of value judgments. Conversely, who would attempt to lie to a power or force? The idea itself doesn't even make sense. Acts 5:3:
The Spirit can be resisted:
In Stephen's sermon he encouraged his listeners to be open to the Spirit.
"You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Spirit; as your parents did, so do you" -- Acts 7:51. Notice that the result of resisting the Spirit is being "stiff-necked." We must be very careful not to resist the Spirit. His ministry is to help us, but if we resist His attempts, in time He may decide to stop trying. We may become too "stiff
Ruach haKodesh can be called upon:
Ezekiel 37:9 is the beginning of the vision of the dry bones arising and being assembled. The Spirit is called to breath life into the dead. If called upon, there is an expected possibility of a response.
The response is that action of personality that we ought to look forward to when we pray. If the Holy Spirit is not a Person He can't reply to our prayers. If He can't reply to our prayers, then why should we pray? On the other hand, when we are praying and worshiping God and sense the presence of the Holy Spirit we should understand that this is not a flow of energy but the actual presence of the Almighty God in our midst! Ruach haKodesh has heard and accepted our prayers and praise!
The Spirit is to be obeyed:
It is inconceivable to think that we would obey anything less than a person. Acts 10:19-21 tells us that Ruach haKodesh ordered Peter to go meet some people and he followed His instructions. At Acts 16:6 Paul is again guided and commanded by Ruach haKodesh.
The Spirit can be quenched, 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
He can be blasphemed, Matthew 12:31.
He can be revered, Psalm 51:11
Ruach haKodesh can be tempted, Acts 5:9
He Gives Gifts: 1 Corinthians 12:27:28
He Indwells: 1 Corinthians 6:19
He Convicts: John 16:7
He Intercedes: Romans 8:26:27
He Testifies: John 16:13,14
He Teaches: John 14:26; 1 John 2:27
He Guides: John 16:13
Question 4: What is God?
Answer 4: God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being,
wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
Question 5: Are there more Gods than one?
Answer 5: There is but one only, the living and true God.
Question 6: How many persons are there in the Godhead?
Answer 6: There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance,
equal in power and glory.
In conclusion,
Ruach haKodesh is a person and He is indwelling us, thus He should be our Personal Friend.
If He is less than that, then we need to spend more time with Him!
He is very active and most of His activities are performed for our benefit. If we are wise we will follow His leadership and accept His Lordship.
My friends, we should all spend more time with Ruach haKodesh! As we draw closer to Him He will lead us ever closer to Yeshua who leads us to and intercedes for us with YHVH so that we may walk with Elohim, even as Adam and Eve did before the Fall. This is the will of Elohim our God.
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Blessings to all in the Name of YHVW, Yeshua and Ruach haKodesh!