The Earth belongs to HaShem
"The Earth belongs to HaShem and the Fullness Thereof."

The Noahide Nazarene Way

By Jagannatha Prakash © 2003

Welcome to Page Three of this introduction to the Noahide Nazarene Way. In this study, you will gain a basic understanding of the Noahide Movement in general and the Noahide Nazarene Way in particular. Page Three begins with an overview of our Master Y'shua of Nazareth. May HaShem and our Master bless your desire to learn more and empower you to walk the Noahide Nazarene Way.!

The Noahide Nazarene Way
An Overview:

The Noahide Nazarene Way
Part Three

Master Y'shua of Nazareth in Brief

As discussed in the second part of this series, a key distinction between Noahides and Noahide Nazarenes is the latter's belief that Master Y'shua was a holy prophet of HaShem and more. So here's an overview of the Master from our perspective.

Around 7 BCE a young Judean woman named Mary (Miriam) gave birth, by normal means, to a son she named Y'shua (normally written as either Jesus or Joshua). Mary and Joseph the carpenter were engaged at the time but not yet married. Presumably he was the father of her child although it is impossible to say for certain (for my study on the virgin birth please visit This Page.

To protect Mary's reputation, Joseph married her, although apparently with some trepidation. As the child grew, older questions arose about his ancestry, an important consideration in both Jewish and Roman society of the day. Being unable to answer these questions in terms of polite society, it seems likely that Mary and Joseph (now married), took their child and left Judea for Egypt as the New Testament describes.

It should be pointed out that there is no evidence beyond the Gospel accounts that King Herod sought to find the newborn child, fearing that he might be the Jewish Messiah or otherwise. Likewise with the slaughter of the area's children that resulted neither from this search, nor of the visit of the magi, nor the gifts of the kings of the East to the child etc. This does not deny that these accounts took place of course, only that history is mute on these key New Testament events that one would expect to have been recorded as common knowledge.

Following the death of King Herod, sometime prior to 5 CE and Y'shua's twelfth birthday, the family returned to Judea, doubtless hoping that people would have forgotten the details of Mary's pregnancy. As the issue resurfaces during future debates between Master Y'shua and his opponents according to the Gospel accounts however, it appears that the matter was not forgotten.

John 9:29:

"We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow [Master Y'shua], we know not from whence he is."

For clarity sake, the World English Bible has it this way:
"We know that God has spoken to Moses. But as for this man, we don't know where he comes from"

They accepted the words of Prophet Moses, however due to Master Y'shua's questionable background and pedigree, they were inclined to doubt his word. In our culture, it would be like saying one accepts a controversial opinion by one's pastor or bishop due to their position, but the same comment from the person who bags your groceries would be much harder to accept.

Eighteen years or so later, Y'shua listened as John the Baptizer preached the need for spiritual revitalization in the wilderness. The calling of Israel to repentance moved Y'shua deeply and sparked the divine embers HaShem had placed within him. So many Jews were praying for an end to Roman oppression. The people wanted change, a new order that would give them a sense of pride, not to mention stability. As Y'shua listened to John's inspired sermons he realized that true liberation must begin within. He knew that the Jews are not like any other people. Political freedom without spiritual freedom wouldn't be enough for them. The Roman Pagans could exchange one god for another with little or no difficulty, but for the Jews there was only one God and He had strict requirements that had to be observed. Unless the people returned to the Way of Moses it was doubtful that HaShem would grant any degree of freedom to the Jews because, as Master Y'shua understood, the Jews are the Chosen People, a people with a mission; his assignment was to help them fulfill their destiny. The Jewish mission requires absolute submission to HaShem. And so Y'shua heeded John's call to the mikveh, and was baptized in preparation for his ministry

For Jews, Nazarenes and most Christians the ritual bath is an essential aspect of religious life. It represents ritual purity and rededication to HaShem. Noahide Nazarenes and Christians add certain significances to the rite as taught in the New Testament.

For Jews and all Noahides, ritual baptism requires the person to enter the waters nude, as nothing is allowed to come between the worshiper and the symbolically cleansing waters. Another reason for this requirement among Jews is that male circumcision is required of those entering the ritual baths and nudity makes it impossible to conceal one's observance.

In some circles, worshippers enter the mikveh once or even several times a day. Others enter the waters only on Fridays, just prior to Shabbat. Yet others view the mikveh as a single life-changing event.

Men are always completely immersed in the water whereas women are sometimes allowed to sit in the mikveh, the waters coming only to their necks. It is evident however, that women may also undergo full immersion if they choose. Properly utilized, the mikveh is a power spiritual experience of obedience and symbolism.

At conversions and especially significant baptisms (for instance prior to holidays or when one seeks forgiveness for some particular sin etc.), after coming up from the waters, instructors may give select instructions from the Torah. For Noahide Nazarenes these instructions may include a recitation of the Seven Noahide Laws or choice teachings of Master Y'shua as the spirit leads the instructors. The person being baptized, if male, stands before the instructors and listens attentively to their words, females may stand or sit. The person leaves the mikveh after these words are spoken, and is deemed clean from all trespasses and is spiritually renewed. In some cases, restitution for sins may also be recommended if one has wronged others. Such restitution may be suggested by one's rabbi, pastor, the mikveh instructors or other respected persons, however one is ultimately answerable only to HaShem and there is no compulsion in restitution, even as there is no coercion in other matters of religion. Jews traditionally observe a separation of the genders in their shuls as well as in the mikveh. Noahide Nazarenes do not observe this custom:

Galatians 3:28:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

As is to be expected, different teachers stress different things. Where possible, Noahide Nazarenes are encouraged to enter the mikveh at least weekly, preferably just prior to the beginning of the Shabbat on Friday evenings. Noahides are not required to observe Shabbat, as are the Jews, however as it is the day HaShem set apart for His people; Shabbat is a good day to engage in spiritual activities. Some Noahides observe Shabbat as an act of optional piety others do not. The Shabbat is discussed in some detail elsewhere on the site.